
Are White Lies Acceptable in a Relationship?

Trust is a must in a relationship, thus telling the truth no matter what. But should white lies be exempted? (white lies are harmless or trivial lies) List of several factors why white lies are born  - avoidance of deeper issues or fight. - to conceal a secret that you think "is the appropriate thing to do." - say "no/nothing/none" just to cut the story short. - of course saying "yes" just to say what is needed to hear. - not telling what had happened since you think it is not important at all. But in the end truth prevails no matter how long time had passed. Often times it the source why couple started fighting because it is found out that the other committed a lie. It also contributed  to trust issues where partners started to doubt each other's credibility. Most of all it might be a start of lies after lies considering the other person did it so let's just conclude that it is acceptable. Relationship is one of the most compli

Ambition: Is It In You?

You might be reading this because you do believe that you have it already, you also might be confused as to what ambition or just curious. As you can see successful people are ambitious, they never stop, they are focused and full of excitement.. We people are needed to be driven by goals because if not, we will just be consumed by people who are already on top. There might be  chances that you might not want to be associated as ambitious for norms says that ambitious people are cruel,  inconsiderate of others and conceited.  Now that is not true, having an ambition or being ambitious is not bad after all. It's what keeps you going everyday. It's the bad attitude of ambitious people that you don't want. Do you notice that you tried waking up early morning everyday but you do not have the urge to get up from the bed? You feel that you are always tired, sluggish and indifferent? These things are  signs that you already forget how is it to be goal driven. It might be tha

The World of A Charming Telemarketer

As I blink and be awaken from my alluring dream; I embrace the goodness of the day not with a skepticism, For I desire to live elated until hell freezes over, So I can parcel out great service to you moreover. As I sat down and face my career's description, I beseech for all the goodness and kindness above all. For in my three years working in my chosen field, I gain nothing that I can quarrel but just to acknowledge and endure. When I convey a lovely greet; What you do Is bang the phone and make sure I heard it right. When I announce my pitch excitingly, what you will say is "fuck you" and all I can say is "thank you" When It's time to ask for the numbers, why would you say "no,I don't want your shit"? Much worst is when I say "have A wonderful Day" and you'd say "go to hell!". All I want is to help you with your needs since it is you who make an interest about our commodity. But praise

Working Hard: Why It Does Not Pays Off?

All of us have goals to reach and we have ambitions therefore we work hard. Some would shuffle 3 jobs in a day or in a week, would be contented in just 2-4 hours of sleep everyday, do a entrepreneurship while working and etc. But why it is still not enough? Why would somebody only get 1 job and everything is more than good enough? Well, because the way they work, they work smart! Working hard is different from working smart. Here why it is; Working 3 jobs which is not your passion, working hard not smart. In line with passion is the love that you have for your job, no matter how hard you work it you only work for money then you will not excel, you will only be second best.  Work everyday without attending seminars, training and refresher courses, not smart. We work without amiss so that we'd get higher salary. But as we age in our profession we tend to be lax and our skills become dull but if we upgrade our skills and learn a few things, it will help us big time and can e

Reasons Why We Lose Hope

Let's face it, we are achievers, don't settle for less, we keep on aiming high and best is only word we ought to know. But we live in life that nothing is constant, everything changes and consistency in success is far more favorable. Some reasons to construe why we tend to lose hope is that the existence of EXTREME EXPECTATION, expectations are great ideas for it prepares for success, but if our expectations to ourselves are excessive thus we get disappointed when the results are not in our favor.. Second on the list is that we are in such a HASTE TO BE ON TOP , when we work hard we expect result but we often get over excited that we want to envisage it already, and when we don't notice triumph it we tend to give up already. We let DEPRESSION CONSUME US , it is a reaction that we can not avoid often times, Some of the times we can move on without difficulty and can stand up again, but several times in our life that we just let it eat us, makes us pathetic until no more

How to get rid of the Bad Habits

--> What is a bad habit? it is an unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition  and  have a huge factor in our lives. For example smoking, biting nails, excessive shopping, not eating, picking noses and a lot more that can harm your health.  Getting rid of a bad habit is difficult because your habit is part of your personality already. You have been doing it from the beginning since the day you have learned how to do it.  It causes anxiety when you unwillingly get rid of it even for the first try. Also there is already a need, not just merely a want but a need that you can relate to necessities. Often times we try to discard those bad habits and more often than not, we failed. Well because we did not try harder and there is no commitment, we just give up so easy on the first try, and we face it alone, I'm not saying it is bad, It is just that no man is an island and everyone needs support and encouragement. Here are my top 5

Tips for Good Decision Making

Everyday is a battle between choices from simple to complex or complicated ones. Decision making is important for it will affect you personally, as well as the people in your circle. In some point in our lives we made some bad decisions, other's can fix it easily and undo the mistake but some people lived with it with regrets. Our decisions in life determine our maturity and responsibility and It does not matter whether the decision is right or wrong, what's important is that we are happy with our choices and we live to stand by our principles and beliefs. Here are handful tips to help you make good decisions: 1. Listen to your Gut. Your instinct is right in every way, It helps us determine if there is something wrong, if there is danger and it is our first line of defense. 2. Based it on your Principles or Belief Whatever it is if you base it on your values then it is a good choice. Don't let people tell you otherwise since we are all different and we believe